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    microTEC Südwest Kompetenzatlas - Finden Sie Spezialisten für Ihre Projekte!

    Online-Datenbank für auf Mikrosystemtechnik spezialisierte Unternehmen, Institutionen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Start-Ups sowie Hochschulen und Universitäten.




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    microTEC Südwest Kompetenzatlas - Finden Sie Spezialisten für Ihre Projekte!

    Online-Datenbank für auf Mikrosystemtechnik spezialisierte Unternehmen, Institutionen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Start-Ups sowie Hochschulen und Universitäten.


    InnoLinTec GmbH

    Experten für Linux & Embedded Betriebssysteme

    InnoLinTec has the entire application life-cycle in focus, ensuring a solid Hardware-base before entering into Linux or RTOS Software-development.

    Our base expertise is a solid and deep understanding of Semiconductors & embedded solutions (Hardware as uC, uP, Analog & Digital ASIC, Power-Devices and industrial demands like Grafik, Networking, Security, Motor control) on the one hand, and the SW environment (Linux Kernel & Driver, gStreamer, Slint, QT/Qml, Wayland, TSN/AVB, OPC and several fieldbusses) in question on the other.

    If it comes to special demands like Slint, gStreamer, RUST, zephyr or RISC-V - don't hesitate to contact to us!


    Linux & Echtzeitbetriebssysteme
    # RUST Overview #
    - Announced in 2020
    - Heavily supported by Linus Torvalds – and available since December 2022 with Linux 6.1
    - The first non-C programming language available in Linux Kernel to allow writing Kernel elements (cave! C++ was trialed and failed in 1997)
    - Adoption: Kicked-off by Mozilla, adopted in the meantime by Cisco, Amazon, Microsoft, LINUX, google – and many more.
    * Your benefits *
    - One-stop-shop approach, from setting up the user-friendly tool-chain to implementing the required software

    # zephyr Overview #
    - Proven RTOS for commercial systems
    - Many different board vendors and Semiconductor suppliers are supported
    - Linux Foundation project
    * Your benefits *
    - Small footprint kernel
    - Licensing based on Apache 2.0 license
    - Highly configurable, platform independent, memory protection

    # RISC-V Overview '
    - Open Controller Standard
    - Building on large community
    - Academic as well as commercial use
    * Your benefits *
    - Re-use of industry gained knowledge
    - Counterweight to market available standards
    - Broad range of implementation specifications available
    # Prototyping Overview #
    - Linux / Zephyr / (free)RTOS IP SW development
    - Bring-up of any IP into the verification environment
    - Fitting of any IP into the validation approach
    * Your benefits *
    - We provide the essential software elements needed to reduce IP prototyping effort and accelerate IP integration into your design
    - Product schedules can be accelerated when SW development begins prior to full prototype availability
    - IP issues are tackled already at the beginning and allows for faster integration of IPs, while verification and validation will run smoothly with focus on the system level.
    - Our deep semiconductor expertise within the entire development cycle
    ensures the success and correctness of your design.
    Grafik, Audio, HMI/Ux, Security
    As soon as display or audio is involved, we support you in getting things done.

    Based on SLINT, gstreamer or QT you can count on our experts.

    Various types of displays (e.g. MIPI) are no challenge, if you have the experts in the background.

    # SLINT Overview #
    - Replacement of Qt qml
    - Lightweight, fast and straight forward User impression
    - Perfect base to easily eliminate bugs, improve overall system performance and reduces TAT for bringing GUI/UX/HMI into product status
    * Your benefits *
    - Scalability: runs from uC with less than 250kiB up to Desktop systems – bare metal to Desktop environment
    Platform independance: Targetting all platforms with one Code Set
    - Implemented in RUST: Benefits of Memory Safety, Performance and Concurrency


    • Dienstleister IT (Software)
    • Dienstleister Weiterbildung


    • Design/Simulation
    • Komponenten
    • Teilsysteme
    • Mess-/ Prüftechnik
    • Mikroelektronik/ Embedded Systems


    • Automatisierung
    • Sensor- Mess- & Regeltechnik
    • Automobiltechnik
    • Energie- und Umwelttechnik
    • Gebäudetechnik
    • Medizintechnik


    Colombistr. 17
    79098 Freiburg
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    Name: Rüdiger Laschewski-Grossbaier
    Abteilung: Geschäftsleitung
    Tel.: +49 (0) 151 / 599 82 892
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    Weitere Informationen

    Niederlassungen (Orte): Freiburg, Hansestadt Hamburg, Jena, Düsseldorf, Zürich, Europaweit remote
    Mitarbeiterzahl: 7
    • Marketingkontakt

      Julia Mahl
      Tel.: + 49 761 386909-27

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