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    Regionen für nanotechnologische Innovation verbinden

    • The Nano-Enabled Products Pilot (Nano Pilot), launched in 2013 and jointly led by Emilia-Romagna and East Netherlands, is an interregional platform that harnesses the expertise in micro and nanotechnology-enabled products and manufacturing processes.
      Nanotechnology is recognised as a key enabling technology (KET) with potential in addressing societal and environmental challenges. Nanomaterials, which are particles too miniscule to be observed with the naked eye, play a central role in this field. Nanotechnology already underlies a wide range of practical applications, including clothing, automobiles, windows, computers, cosmetics, and medicine.
      The Nano Pilot aims to create an industrial ecosystem in nanotechnology, stimulate innovation and drive advancements in materials, sensors, and components across multiple fundamental sectors and value chains.

      Accelerating Nanotechnology Advancements
      The Nano Pilot aims to establish open and business-driven facilities dedicated specifically to nanomaterial-based products and their integration into various technical applications.
      Our primary focus is on driving innovation and creating opportunities for companies and organisations interested in exploring the potential of nanotechnology. Whether you are an expert or new to the field, the Nano Pilot provides a collaborative environment for stakeholders to collaborate, learn and leverage nanotechnology to enhance their projects and products.
      Ensuring the reproducibility of these applications, particularly during the transition from prototypes to full-scale production, poses a critical challenge for industry. The pilot therefore aims to tackle this challenge head-on and make a substantial impact in this area.

      Demonstration Cases for Real-World Impact and Inspiration to Policy-Makers
      The development of collaborative demonstration cases plays a crucial role in driving significant advancements across a wide range of industries and tackle complex challenges such as reducing air pollutants or enhancing compound analysis in fluids, with the goal of improving the overall quality and effectiveness of various applications and creating novel solutions.
      By highlighting the potential of these technologies and showcasing successful collaborations, including with other Vanguard Initiative Pilots, European networks, and associations; the Nano Pilot aims to inspire and encourage policy makers to design and implement strategies and operational programmes that effectively support innovation.

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      Dominik Schuler
      Tel.: +49 761 386909-15

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